
Bridging gaps in awareness, 检测 and appropriate treatment of CIED infections

心脏植入式电子装置(cied), such as 起搏器s and implantable defibrillators, 挽救和延长生命. They are amazingly reliable and effective, but even the best tool comes with risks. As many as 1 in 20 patients with a CIED develops an infection within three years of implantation.

The science is clear about what to do: Patients with a CIED infection should be referred to a specialist with expertise in device extraction, and the CIED and all its components should be removed. This recommendation is supported by the 美国心脏协会, 心脏节律学会, 英国心脏节律学会, 欧洲心脏病学会, 和欧洲心律协会. 尽管有这些建议, many patients with CIED infection do not undergo complete system 删除. Failure to remove the device is a life-or-death decision.

The AHA 全国CIED感染倡议 seeks to address the gaps in awareness, 检测, and appropriate treatment of cardiovascular implantable electronic device infection through a two-year initiative including a National CIED Infection Summit and National Quality Education Plan.

As many as 1 in 20 patients with a CIED develops an infection within three years of implantation.


Use this CIED感染工具包 as a resource both to learn about CIED infections and to increase awareness of the public health burden of CIED infection and urgency around timely infection identification and evidence-based treatment. 


CIED infections can produce a major, negative toll on the lives of patients. 我们正在弥合认识上的差距, 检测 and guideline-based treatment of CIED infections with the 全国CIED感染倡议.



Keep visiting this page to register for upcoming webinars, view recordings of past webinars and listen to podcast recordings. 


Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infections: A Panel Discussion on CIED Infection and Health Equity   


Join AHA and our volunteer experts for a panel discussion as we explore the health crisis caused by cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) infection from a health equity lens. Our discussion will cover structural and systematic barriers to timely identification, 推荐, 和治疗, 以及促进公平护理的方法. 


Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infections: Debunking Common Misconceptions about CIED Infection and Treatment 



加入美国心脏协会. 伊莱恩·Y. 万博士及博士. Ellie Coromilas as we review and respond to common misconceptions about 起搏器 and other CIED infections 和治疗. Topics will include misconceptions related to management of device infections, perceived risk of lead extraction and over-confidence in antibiotics as a solo treatment.


Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infection: Urgency in Time from Identification to Treatment and Removal

2022年10月25日周二| CST下午1:00

加入美国心脏协会. 肖恩·波科尼博士. John Andriulli和Dr. Alexandra Wick as we discuss the structural barriers that lead to delays in identification and 删除 of the infection, 感染CIED的成本, 以及鉴别的理想沙巴足球体育平台线, 删除, 和/或感染的治疗.


Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infections: Incidence, Impact, and Gaps in Care

2022年7月25日周一| CST下午1:00

加入美国心脏协会. 克利夫兰诊所的布鲁斯·威尔科夫和. Arnold Greenspon from Jefferson University Hospitals as we discuss the health crisis of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) infection and the importance of the timely 删除 of the device and its leads.


CIED感染行动程序文件 Cover (PDF)


2022年3月,一群关键的意见领袖, 利益相关者, 医疗社会, patient groups and other system of care participants convened to identify barriers, opportunities and recommendations in support of improved awareness, CIED感染的检测和管理. Read the proceedings document to learn about why the CIED Infection initiative was created, 当前患者旅程面临的挑战, 行动的途径和更多. 





Philips Image-Guided Therapy is a proud supporter of the 美国心脏协会's 全国CIED感染倡议.