

If 生活方式的改变 比如减肥, 健康饮食,规律运动, 适度的体育活动并不能控制你的血糖水平, you may need medication to help reduce your glucose levels and your risk for heart disease and stroke. 观看视频: 了解你的糖尿病药物和心脏病风险.

Your health care professional will decide which medication(s) and treatment plan are right for you based on your:

  • 生活方式
  • 身体状况
  • 心血管风险因素,如高血压或胆固醇
  • 对药物的反应
  • 保险责任范围

Your health care professional may prescribe a combination of medications to lower your blood glucose and reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. It’s important to understand the possible side effects of each medication and what to do if you have them.

Never stop taking a medication or change your dose without talking with your health care professional.

取决于你独特的健康因素, you may also be prescribed a blood sugar monitor that you can carry with you to check your blood sugar levels throughout the day. This information will help track what is happening in your body and will help you understand the effect of what you eat and drink on your blood sugar levels. 这将帮助你了解应该避免哪些食物和饮料.


There are different types, or classes, of drugs that work in different ways to lower blood sugar.

People newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are prescribed metformin as a first-line therapy in addition to 生活方式的改变. 二甲双胍会减少肝脏中葡萄糖的生成.

如果你有心血管疾病的其他风险因素, and 生活方式的改变 and metformin are not controlling your blood sugar well enough, 可能需要额外的药物. Your health care professional may add a GLP-1 receptor agonist or SGLT-2 inhibitor to your regimen.

GLP-1受体激动剂可以在你需要时帮助释放胰岛素. 它还会降低肝脏产生的葡萄糖量. 这类药物中的一些药物对你的心脏和肾脏有益.

SGLT2抑制剂可以防止葡萄糖在肾脏中被重新吸收. Some medications in this class have been shown to reduce heart failure and chronic kidney disease progression.


当功能正常时, 胰腺分泌理想数量的胰岛素, 是什么帮助身体的细胞从血液中吸收葡萄糖并将其转化为能量呢. 1型糖尿病患者的胰腺不分泌胰岛素. People with Type 2 diabetes produce insulin, but their bodies don’t use it properly. 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,2型糖尿病患者产生的胰岛素也会减少.

Various types of insulin may be prescribed for both types of diabetes to help regulate blood glucose. 每一种都被注射到皮肤下的脂肪中,进入血液. (胰岛素 isn’t available in a pill because it would break down during the digestive process.你可以用a注射胰岛素:

  • 注射器: A needle connected to a hollow tube holds the insulin and a plunger pushes the insulin down into and through the needle.
  • 胰岛素笔: 一种看起来像笔的装置用针尖储存胰岛素.
  • 胰岛素泵: 袖珍机:系在腰带上或放在口袋里装胰岛素的小机器. It pumps the insulin through a small plastic tube and through a tiny needle inserted under the skin where it stays for several days.

胰岛素的不同之处在于它们的合成方式, 它们的工作速度有多快, 当它们达到峰值时, 它们能用多久,多少钱. 它们包括:

  • 吸入型胰岛素 starts working in 12 to 15 minutes, peaks in 30 minutes, and it's out of your system in 180 minutes. It’s inhaled at the beginning of each meal and is used in combination with injectable long-acting insulin. 
  • 快速胰岛素 注射后约15分钟起效, 在大约一到两个小时内达到顶峰,然后继续工作两到四个小时.
  • 常规或短效胰岛素 通常在注射后30分钟内进入血液. It peaks two to three hours after injection and is effective for about three to six hours.
  • Intermediate-acting胰岛素 通常在注射后两到四个小时进入血液. 它在4到12小时后达到顶峰,并持续大约12到18小时.
  • 长效胰岛素 reaches the bloodstream several hours after injection and tends to lower glucose levels fairly evenly over 24 hours.
  • 超长效胰岛素 在6小时内到达血液,没有达到峰值,并持续36小时或更长沙巴足球体育平台.

Your health care professional will work with you to determine the best type and dosage to manage your diabetes and fit your lifestyle. Some people with diabetes take insulin one or more times a day to regulate their blood glucose levels. 你的医疗团队会告诉你如何以及何时给自己注射胰岛素.



知道你在服用什么药物以及为什么服用是很重要的. 除了胰岛素,你的医疗保健专业人员可能会开出:

  1. 预防心脏病和中风的药物
    Newer antihyperglycemic medications (GLP-1 and SGLT-2 medications) have not only helped reduce blood glucose levels, 还有助于预防心脏病发作, 心力衰竭或中风,并减缓慢性肾脏疾病的进展. 他们可能会:

    • 减少肝脏产生的葡萄糖.
    • 放慢食物在胃里的速度.
    • 减少肾脏对葡萄糖的吸收.

    了解更多关于这些和其他 心脏病药物.

  2. 高血压药物
    如果未经处理的, 高血压会损害血管, 心脏和其他器官——最终导致死亡. You may be prescribed one or more types of medication to get your blood pressure to the 目标区间. Follow the medication regimen as prescribed and notify your health care team immediately if you have side effects.

    While many people with high blood pressure must take medications indefinitely to control their blood pressure, your health care professional may reduce your medication dose(s) once you reach and maintain normal blood pressure for a year or more. 通常情况下,你不能完全停止治疗.

    学习如何充分利用你的处方 治疗高血压 是什么类型的 降压药 是可用的.

  3. 胆固醇药物
    除了吃有益心脏健康的饮食, 达到或保持健康的体重并定期参加运动, 适度的体力活动, you may need medication to lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your heart disease risk. Your health care professional will decide if you can benefit from one or more medications.

    各种药物可以降低胆固醇水平. Statins are recommended for most people and have been directly associated with reducing risk for heart attack and stroke. Statins continue to provide the most effective lipid-lowering treatment in most cases.

    他汀类药物可以防止肝脏中胆固醇的产生. 它们的主要作用是降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇.

    了解更多关于的类型 降胆固醇药物.

  4. 阿司匹林治疗
    糖尿病是心血管疾病和中风的主要危险因素. Depending on your medical history and risk factors, a low-dose aspirin regimen may be recommended. 阿司匹林“稀释”血液,有助于防止血栓形成. 血凝块会阻碍血液流经动脉, 尤其是当它们已经被斑块变窄的时候.


    了解 阿司匹林和心脏病.

The 美国心脏协会 receives support from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers whose products may be mentioned in this article. The 美国心脏协会 maintains strict policies preventing supporters from influencing science-based health information. 查看支持者列表.


在你的收件箱中获取每月科学的糖尿病和心脏健康提示. Know 糖尿病 by Heart raises awareness that living with Type 2 diabetes increases risk for heart disease and stroke – and that people should talk with their doctor at their next appointment about ways to reduce risk.