帮助! 我想戒烟!


Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking, vaping or using tobacco! 你把健康放在首位,你应该为自己感到骄傲. But deciding to quit is just the first step – the rest of the path to successfully quitting may not be as easy for you. That’s when medicines 和 other resources may be useful to help you stamp out tobacco for good.


You don’t have to do this alone – many people find support groups 和 hotlines helpful when quitting tobacco. Sometimes just knowing that someone underst和s 和 shares your struggle can help you stay smoke-free for good.


  • The North American Quitline Consortium is a network of toll-free hotlines 和 websites. 在地图上找到你所在州的辞职线和资源.naquitline.org.


  • 中文:1-800-QUIT-NOW(1-800-784-8669)或www.无烟.政府
  • 西班牙语:1-855-DEJELO-YA(1-855-335-3569)或espanol.无烟.政府
  • 中文:1-800-838-8917或www.asiansmokersquitline.org
  • 韩文:1-800-556-5564或www.asiansmokersquitline.org
  • 越南语:1-800-778-8440或www.asiansmokersquitline.org
  •  退伍军人:1-855-QUIT VET(1-855-784-8838)或www.公共健康.va.政府 /吸烟
  •  TTY: 1-800-332-8615


  • 中文:1-866-366-3667或www.go无烟.gc.ca /退出
  •  法语:1-866 JARRETE(1-866-527-7383)或www.vivezsansfumee.gc.ca /放弃


These organizations offer good information online 和 may have local resources in your area:

  •  美国心脏协会:1-800-AHA-USA1或www.心.org
  • 美国癌症协会:1-800-ACS-2345(1-800-227-2345)或www.癌症.org/healthy/stay-away-from-tobacco
  • 美国肺脏协会:1-800-LUNGUSA(1-800-586-4872)或www.肺.org/stop-smoking
  • 国家癌症研究所:1-877-44U-QUIT(1-877-448-7848)或www.无烟.政府
  • 真相倡议成为一个前.becomeanex.org


许多医院, healthcare companies 和 employers offer outpatient 和 inpatient smoking cessation programs. 保险甚至可以帮助支付费用.

在戒烟计划中寻找什么戒烟计划各不相同. 例如, 有些可能依赖于行为矫正, while others include nicotine replacement products or non-nicotine prescription medications. (在开始服用任何药物之前,一定要和你的医生谈谈.成功的戒烟计划有一些共同之处.


 综合:最好的课程会考虑很多因素, 包括触发因素, 生活方式和过去戒烟的努力. 你的家人和朋友在帮助你戒烟的过程中起着至关重要的作用.

 基于证据:成功的项目依赖于经过证实的科学. 寻找包括临床证明的方法, 比如咨询, 行为治疗和咨询医生.

适合你:适合某些人, 电话留言支持, 电子邮件或短信是至关重要的, 而其他人则对面对面的支持小组反应更好. Set yourself up for success by choosing a program with the right features for you.


正确使用时, there are several different medicines that can really help you on your path to quitting. 一些治疗旨在减少戒烟的副作用, 比如头痛或易怒, 而另一些则通过减少对尼古丁的渴望来帮助缓解. 你可能需要尼古丁替代药, 一种不含尼古丁的替代药物或两者的结合. You should talk to your doctor or health care provider about the best treatment plan for you.


一般来说,尼古丁替代治疗持续两到三个月. 尽管你可以在柜台上买到这些产品, you should still talk to your doctor first about which specific type is best for you. 还记得, 如果你继续吸烟,你不应该使用尼古丁替代药物, 吸电子烟或使用其他烟草产品. 同时使用两者可能是危险的.

1. 尼古丁口香糖或含片

  • 几十年来,尼古丁口香糖一直在帮助人们成功戒烟. 你可以在药店买到口香糖或含片,不需要处方. Just be sure to read the directions on the packaging 和 follow the recommended dosages.

  • Chew a piece of gum or suck a lozenge every one-to-two hours while you’re awake, but don’t use more than 20 pieces per day of 4 mg gum or lozenges or 30 pieces per day of 2 mg gum or lozenges. 你每天使用的碎片数量应该随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移而减少.

  •  不要喝咖啡, 橙汁, soda or alcohol for 15 minutes before or while chewing a piece of gum or sucking a lozenge. 这些饮料会降低尼古丁替代品的功效.

  • 如果你不正确使用尼古丁口香糖或含片, 你可能会有副作用,比如口腔和喉咙不适.

  • 你可能需要使用尼古丁口香糖或含片大约三个月.

2. 尼古丁贴片

  •  买尼古丁贴片不需要医生的处方.

  •  Some br和s are available in 5, 10 和 15 mg strengths; others come in 7, 14 和 21 mg strengths. 你应该从多大的强度开始取决于你现在抽多少烟. 查看包装上的推荐剂量,以帮助您确定从哪里开始.

  •  随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移, you’ll taper off your dosage 和 start using lower-strength patches based on your specific br和’s recommended schedule.

  •  把贴片戴在胸前或手臂上方.

  •  每16或24小时换一个新的贴片. 如果你有睡眠困难或做令人不安的梦, remove the patch before you go to bed 和 put on a new one first thing when you wake up.

  •  不需要改变你的日常生活-贴片, 你可以洗澡, 游泳和享受所有你喜欢的体育活动.

  •  副作用可能包括贴片下的红肿和疼痛. To help reduce side effects, you should change the location of the patch each day.

3. 尼古丁喷雾

  •  不像前两种尼古丁替代品, 你需要医生开具处方才能购买尼古丁喷雾.
  • 当你醒着的时候,这种喷雾每小时进入你的鼻子一到两次.

  •  The spray may cause coughing, runny nose or watery eyes during the first week or two. 这些副作用可能会随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移而消失.

  • 你可能需要使用尼古丁喷雾长达六个月, 但你会在三个月前开始逐渐减少. 


Bupropion hydrochloride is a medicine for depression, but it also helps people quit smoking. 品牌名称包括Zyban®,Wellbutrin®,Wellbutrin SR®和Wellbutrin XL®. 这种药物也可以作为仿制药使用. Varenicline is Varenicline is another generic medicine that can help reduce the cravings for nicotine 和 its pleasurable effects on the brain. 

这是两种常用的戒烟药物. 供参考, we have included generic names as well as br和 names to help you identify what you may be taking. 然而,美国心脏协会不推荐或认可任何特定的产品. 如果你的处方药不在这张单子上, remember that your healthcare provider 和 pharmacist are your best sources of information. It’s important to discuss all of the drugs you take with your doctor 和 underst和 their desired effects 和 possible side effects. Never stop taking a medication 和 never change your dose or frequency without first consulting your doctor.

  • Both medicines block the flow of chemicals in the brain that make you want to smoke.
  • 这两种药都是片剂. 你从低剂量开始,逐渐增加到全剂量.
  •  这些药大约需要一个星期才能起作用, 所以你需要在真正戒烟或吸电子烟之前开始吸烟.
  •  Each of these medicines may interact differently with other medicines you’re taking. Make sure your doctor 和 pharmacist have a complete list of all your medications, 包括非处方药, 补品和草药.
  •  You may need to use a non-nicotine prescription medicine for seven to 12 weeks or longer. 听从医生的建议.
  • 当你准备停止服用非尼古丁处方药时, 你可能需要逐渐减少, 在完全停止之前逐渐减少剂量.
  • The FDA notified the public that varenicline 和 bupropion have been associated with reports of behavior changes including hostility, 搅动, 抑郁的情绪和自杀的想法或行为. The FDA is requiring the manufacturers of these products to add a warning to the product labeling to alert healthcare professionals to this important new safety information.
  •  在服用这些药物时, if you experience any serious 和 unusual changes in mood or behavior or feel like hurting yourself or someone else, you should stop taking the medicine 和 call your healthcare professional right away.
  •  Friends or family members who notice these changes in behavior in someone who is taking varenicline or bupropion for smoking cessation should tell the person their concerns 和 recommend that he or she stop taking the drug 和 call a healthcare professional right away.

不管你选择退出, know that you’re taking an important step toward better health 和 a longer life. 坚持下去,如果你在旅途中复发了,继续尝试. 这是值得的.