
By Michael Merschel, American Heart Association News

sasirin pamai/iStock, Getty Images
(sasirin pamai/iStock, Getty Images)

LGBTQ成年人的心脏健康面临着明显的威胁,医疗保健提供者可以做更多的工作来识别和阻止这些风险, 一份旨在为更好的研究和护理指明道路的新报告如是说.

The report, 这是美国心脏协会周四发表的一份科学声明, pulls together what scientists have learned about LGBTQ health, highlighting known problems and identifying gaps, said Dr. Nicole Rosendale, a member of the committee that wrote the report.

它旨在为心脏健康发现提供“一站式服务”,这一群体在过去“在医疗保健研究中基本上是不可见的”," said Rosendale, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco.

Among the findings:


- LGBTQ成年人,尤其是女性,比其他成年人更有可能使用烟草.

– Gay men have similar or lower rates of obesity as heterosexual men, 但女同性恋和双性恋女性的肥胖率往往高于异性恋女性.

– Short sleep duration, a risk factor for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, 女同性恋和双性恋女性比异性恋女性更常见吗.

The scientific statement 强调压力被认为是LGBTQ人群健康差异的一个重要因素, said Billy A. 撰写该报告的委员会主席卡塞雷斯说,该报告发表在美国心脏协会的《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上. 其中一些压力因素是较高的贫困率,特别是在农村地区.

Also, "they experience things like discrimination, 或者害怕向他们的家人甚至他们的医疗保健提供者出柜, because they feel like they'll be treated differently," said Caceres, 她是纽约哥伦比亚大学护理学院的助理教授. "And those things, on top of everything else that's stressful in life, probably place them at increased risk for poor health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease."

在美国,许多LGBTQ人群在工作中没有免受歧视的法律保护.S. Supreme Court ruling in June.

"At the interpersonal level, we can have the everyday experience of discrimination, where you either get called a name, where you get verbally harassed, 或者有人因为你实际的或感知到的性取向或性别认同而对你不同," Caceres said.

That includes in doctors' offices. 许多LGBTQ人群报告说他们经历过某种形式的歧视, including the use of abusive language and denial of service, the report notes.

Stress in general is bad for the heart, and it can lead to unhealthy coping behaviors, such as smoking or overeating, which do damage over time, Caceres said. “这并不是说你受到歧视,然后突然患上高血压, and then develop heart disease. It's that these are long-term, chronic stressors that you're repeatedly, as an LGBTQ person, exposed to."

But the exact links between stress and heart health are tangled, which is why the report calls for more research, especially in the areas where sexual orientation and race overlap. And to do such research, 卫生保健专业人员需要向病人询问有关性取向和性别认同的问题.

Many health care workers are reluctant to do that, Caceres said.

"They feel that the patient's going to be put off by it," he said. "They feel that they're going to offend patients that are not LGBTQ. Or they feel that patients aren't going to be truthful."

但这样做是例行的人口统计信息收集的一部分, along with appropriate training for those gathering it, would provide data that could lead to better treatment, he and Rosendale said.

Meanwhile, 医疗服务提供者可以利用报告中的信息立即提供更好的医疗服务, Rosendale said.

Knowing what the research says about, say, an LGBTQ person's higher risk of smoking, or of having a harder time affording a healthy diet, 或者因为歧视而生活在不安全的家庭中,这可能会给医生提供与病人交谈的重要背景知识. It can help a doctor say, “我要和你一起帮助你尽可能健康”,然后想出一个计划, Rosendale said.

她说,LGBTQ群体不应该被认为是脆弱的. “我确实认为LGBTQ群体有巨大的韧性和力量. Even just looking from a historical perspective. You know, 这些年来,我们经历了很多,我们仍在为公平获得一些基本权利而奋斗,医疗保健就是其中之一."

But understanding the connections between heart health, 性取向和性别认同是LGBTQ人群和所有关心他们的人取得进步的基础, Rosendale said. "Knowledge is power, right?"

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