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在弗吉尼亚州中部的西班牙语心肺复苏课上, some members of the Latino community say they recognize that the technique can save someone whose heart stops beating. But they acknowledge that fear and uncertainty might keep them from providing critical care.

Such apprehension has prompted trainers who have witnessed it to teach not just how to administer CPR properly to a person who goes into cardiac arrest, but also to share culturally appropriate information that can ease concerns.

“我们解决了犹豫,我们解决了恐惧。. Max Luna, a cardiologist and director of the Latino Health Initiative at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. 心肺复苏术课程是该倡议的项目之一. “我们专注于让人们适应心肺复苏术."

心脏骤停是指一个人的心脏突然停止跳动. The person loses consciousness and the heart stops pumping blood out to the brain, 肺和其他器官. CPR mimics how the heart pumps, using chest compressions to keep blood flowing throughout the body.

More than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside hospitals each year in the United States, according to 美国心脏协会统计数据. 心脏骤停最常发生在家中.

研究发现, 西班牙裔和黑人, including children, 谁会在公共场所(如工作场所)经历心脏骤停, transportation center or recreational facility – are less likely than their white peers to receive CPR from a lay responder.

在拉丁裔健康倡议组织 , the goal is to increase the number of Latino people who are prepared to give CPR in an emergency, said Luna, who also is an associate professor of cardiovascular medicine at the university's medical school.


卢娜说,该计划的心肺复苏术课程包括有关aed的信息, 是自动体外除颤器的简称, but no formal instruction on the easy-to-use devices that can restore a normal heart rhythm. 一旦AED打开, 语音提示引导用户完成整个过程, 但只有一些设备提供西班牙语教学.

Luna said he and his colleagues have found that many residents in Hispanic neighborhoods don't know how to administer CPR. Language is another barrier, as not all 911 call centers have dispatchers who speak Spanish. 其他原因包括移民身份和对警察的不信任.

有些人不会说(英语), and they are really in fear of calling 911 because they are probably not going to be able to convey a message, or they may be in a situation where the family is of mixed immigration status and the presence of law enforcement in the setting of cardiac arrest is not ideal," Luna said.

Other Latinos worry about landing in legal trouble if they're sued for inadvertently hurting a person in cardiac arrest, he said. 例如,高质量的心肺复苏术通常会导致肋骨断裂. So, the CPR trainers review "Good Samaritan" laws that are aimed at protecting those who volunteer to aid an injured or sick person in an emergency.

Luna said that providing CPR training in Spanish not only demystifies the process, 它还有助于提高意识,减少不安.

2008年,美国心脏协会说 hands-only CPR – which is chest compressions alone – can be just as effective in the first few minutes after a cardiac arrest as compressions and rescue breaths. 卢纳和他的同事们教授的是徒手心肺复苏术.

拉丁裔健康倡议, 这是夏洛茨维尔弗吉尼亚大学的一个项目, 提供西班牙语CPR课程. (图片由弗吉尼亚大学拉丁裔健康倡议提供)
拉丁裔健康倡议, 这是夏洛茨维尔弗吉尼亚大学的一个项目, 提供西班牙语CPR课程. (图片由弗吉尼亚大学拉丁裔健康倡议提供)

Maggie del Valle, 在洛杉矶做了二十年的心肺复苏术培训师, said she believes using both compressions and breaths – two rescue breaths after every 30 compressions – can yield optimal results. But she understands that performing chest compressions only is an effective and good option for anyone who may be "worried about disease transmission or isn't comfortable giving breaths" to another person.

del Valle的公司提供西班牙语的心肺复苏课程, 大多数参加会议的人都是医疗专业人士, such as EMTs. "It's a very small portion" who take it for their own personal benefit, she said.

Formal CPR training with certification isn't needed to perform the lifesaving procedure, 根据AHA指南. To perform hands-only CPR on a teen or adult, place the heel of one hand in the center of the chest. 另一只手放在上面,手指交叉. 以每分钟100 ~ 120次的速度用力推. Online videos 也可用,包括 in Spanish.

The response to the CPR training at the Latino Health Initiative has been positive, Luna said, 并计划在黑人社区开展类似的活动. "It has to be tailored to every culture because each one has a different set of needs, 恐惧和担忧."


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