His heart stopped while watching TV. His wife kept him alive.

By Diane Daniel, American Heart Association News

Cardiac arrest survivor Dave Ogle (left) with his wife, Kris Patrow. (Photo courtesy of Dave Ogle)
Cardiac arrest survivor Dave Ogle (left) with his wife, Kris Patrow. (Photo courtesy of Dave Ogle)

After a seven-hour drive back home with his family to Woodbury, Minnesota, 戴夫·奥格尔(Dave Ogle)打算做他一直做的事情:把手提箱拖上楼,打开行李,洗衣服.

他的妻子克里斯·帕特罗(Kris Patrow)说:“戴夫,求你了,让我们放松一下,把这件事留到明天吧。.


A few minutes into the show, Ogle made a raspy sound. 这声音太让人吃惊了,帕特洛扭过头去看他.

Ogle's eyes and mouth were open, but he wasn't moving. His head had flopped onto the back of the couch.

She shook him and shouted his name. Nothing.

He wasn't breathing.

Ogle, 53, had gone into cardiac arrest. His heart wasn't beating.

Less than a year before, Patrow had taken a CPR class at work. The training kicked in.


After nearly 10 minutes, paramedics arrived. 他们接管了心肺复苏术,然后将奥格尔连接到自动体外除颤器(AED)上. The portable electronic device analyzes the heart rhythm and, if needed, can deliver a shock to try restoring a normal rhythm. In between, 他接受了一个机械心肺复苏术装置的心肺复苏术,该装置旨在提供持续的胸部按压. It took seven shocks from the AED to trigger a sustainable rhythm.

They rushed Ogle to a hospital that specialized in cardiac arrest. 为了稳定他的病情,让他的大脑和身体恢复,他被置于昏迷状态.

Speaking to his family, doctors painted a grim picture. 他们不知道奥格尔从昏迷中醒来后会是什么状态, or whether he would ever live a normal life again. 至少,他们认为他需要在康复医院住上几个月.

虽然奥格尔的心脏骤停没有明显的原因,但医生说这可能是由于压力过大. The week before, his software crashed, compromising a major project days before a deadline; he salvaged the work, yet the whole ordeal was extremely nerve-wracking. He'd also experienced a series of tragic personal losses: In 2015, his 21-year-old son from his first marriage died of a drug overdose. In 2016, 他的母亲死于多发性硬化症的并发症, within a year, 他的父亲——在奥格尔看来,在他结婚57年的妻子去世后,他失去了活下去的意愿——也死了.

Still, with no definitive answer, 为了保险起见,医生们在他的胸部植入了一个植入式心律转复除颤器,以监测他的心律,并在必要时对他进行电击.

After three and a half weeks, Ogle came out of the coma.

"Where's my wife?" he asked the nurse.

帕特洛的电话响了,她回忆起一位护士说:“我有好消息. Somebody's asking for you."


While he'd survived, there was still a long road to recovery.

在床上躺了将近一个月之后,奥格尔的身体已经很虚弱了. 在认知方面,脑部创伤让他需要重新学习很多东西.

He could remember the names of people he knew well, but not objects. His speech was slurred.

One of his biggest challenges was relearning how to swallow. After waking up, he didn't eat a solid meal for a month.

在他的职业生涯中,他是一名电视摄影记者,后来拍摄和编辑了企业视频, Ogle always thrived on deadlines. He considered it his superpower. He applied this drive to his recovery.

"I thought, “我只是要工作,工作,再工作,让自己回到我需要的地方。,'" he said.

他在医院康复中心待了一个多月,比医生预计的要短得多. 2019年9月回家后,他继续在门诊康复中取得进展.

直到最近,在他心脏骤停四年后,奥格尔才觉得自己已经康复了. 他不确定他是否能重新学习他的工作技能,因为他没有费心去尝试.


He now works at a retail store near his home. 他喜欢员工少,体力活动少,压力小.

他的另一个工作项目是与妻子合写一本关于他们经历的书. 他们想宣传心脏骤停和心肺复苏术的价值.

Ogle said his personality also has changed – in a positive way.

"I'm a much more open person," he said. "I share more and put my feelings out there."


“戴夫离我们的孩子更近了,他在情感上也更开放了,”她说. "He's much less worried about the small stuff."

Dave (right) and Kris in Paris in 2020. (Photo courtesy of Dave Ogle)
Dave Ogle (right) and Kris Patrow in Paris in 2020. (Photo courtesy of Dave Ogle)

That includes finances, she said. While Ogle is still frugal, 他现在愿意把钱花在去欧洲度假和买新家等事情上.

"I used to be so hesitant, but now I think, why are we holding back?" he said. "What am I afraid of? Life is short."

Stories From the Heart 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

American Heart Association News Stories

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