How a sedentary behavior expert finds time to move

By Michael Merschel, American Heart Association News

Dr. 2023年,黛博拉·罗姆·杨在科罗拉多州的众神花园公园散步. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Deborah Rohm Young)
Dr. 2023年,黛博拉·罗姆·杨在科罗拉多州的众神花园公园散步. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Deborah Rohm Young)

Dr. 黛博拉·罗姆·杨的作品可能会打动你——或者至少让你考虑搬家.

作为帕萨迪纳凯撒永久医疗机构南加州研究与评估部门的行为研究主任, 杨的大量工作包括许多关于体育活动对健康影响的研究——以及不运动带来的问题. 她还领导了撰写美国心脏协会报告的专家小组 science advisory on sedentary behavior in 2016.

久坐行为被正式定义为坐着时的低能量消耗, reclining or lying down. You're probably familiar with it: Adults in the U.S. 美国心脏协会的报告指出,美国人平均每天坐着的沙巴足球体育平台为6到8小时.

Which is not good, Young said. 越来越多的证据表明,久坐与患心血管疾病和死于心血管疾病的风险较高有关, a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes and more.


我们请她从科学角度和个人角度来讨论久坐行为 "The Experts Say," 这是美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台系列节目,专家们在节目中解释他们如何将所学到的知识应用到自己的生活中.

What got you interested in this area of research?

About 11 years ago, 我们从凯撒医疗机构的加州男性健康研究中获得了一些数据, which had questions about both physical activity and sedentary time. 关于体育锻炼的好处已经发表了很多,我们认为研究相反的观点会很有趣.

从那以后,我们了解到,这些行为并不是“相反”的,而是完全不同的. A person can be highly active and also highly sedentary.

How can people overcome the effects of being sedentary?

Those who are the most sedentary are at the greatest risk. 研究表明,运动和久坐比不运动和久坐要好, so the current message is simply "sit less, move more."


Are all sedentary behaviors the same? Is sitting and reading a book the same as scrolling social media, driving a car or playing a video game?

I wish we had an answer to this!

许多流行病学研究都以不同的方式评估了久坐行为, such as time spent sitting, time spent watching TV or time in front of a screen. 一些研究使用加速度计或倾斜仪来评估久坐沙巴足球体育平台.

有相当一致的证据表明,久坐的沙巴足球体育平台越长,健康状况越差. What we don't know yet is how much sedentary time is too much.


Before the pandemic, I was in the office most days. I had a standing desk. My work is now hybrid and I'm mostly at home sitting, though. 我确实经常起床,四处走动——一天要把水瓶灌满好几次, getting lunch and standing during some calls.

Dr. 疫情前,Deborah Rohm Young在办公室使用站立式办公桌. (Photo courtesy of Southern California Permanente Medical Group)
Dr. 疫情前,Deborah Rohm Young在办公室使用站立式办公桌. (Photo courtesy of Southern California Permanente Medical Group)


In my line of work I have to concentrate a lot, 所以对我来说,有一个闹钟告诉我起床和活动是没有用的. But that may work for others.

我经常散步,大多数早晨都会出去散步45到60分钟. I have been logging my running (and now walking) miles for years. 我设定了每年的里程目标,但如果我没有达到目标,我也会原谅自己.

In the evenings, I tend to be up and down off the couch. On weekends, I like to be outside, 这通常意味着四处走动,看看附近发生了什么. 我是一个狂热的除草者,我们的院子里从来都不缺杂草.


First, take stock of how much of the day is spent being sedentary. 它在我们的日常生活中变得如此普遍,以至于我们甚至没有意识到坐着的沙巴足球体育平台有多长.

然后,找出有效的方法来尝试休息或增加体力活动. The best advice is to find the time to be active.

American Heart Association News Stories

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