即使在他心脏骤停之后, doctor-comedian finds things to laugh about


Doctor-comedian and cardiac arrest survivor, Will Flanary – also known as Dr. Glaucomflecken在线. (图片来源:Jessica Gubuan/Bridgetown Pictures)
Doctor-comedian and cardiac arrest survivor, Will Flanary – also known as Dr. Glaucomflecken在线. (图片来源:Jessica Gubuan/Bridgetown Pictures)

威尔和克里斯汀·弗兰纳里在波特兰的家中熟睡, 俄勒冈州, 克里斯汀被威尔的鼾声惊醒.

她轻推了他一下. 声音还在继续. 她摇了摇他的肩膀. 他没有回应.

克里斯汀打开了灯. 她当时34岁的丈夫威尔(Will)喘不过气来.

她喊着他的名字. 没有反应.

她把耳朵贴在他的胸前. 没有声音.

她举起他的右臂. 它掉到床上了.

克里斯汀感到既恐慌又极度专注. 她拿起床头柜上的电话拨打了911.

按照调度员的指示, Kristin laced one hand on top of the other in the center of Will's chest. She pushed hard and fast, feeling Will's ribs move with each compression. 调度员数了数,让她保持节奏. As she was giving 心肺复苏, Kristin watched her husband turn blue, then purple.

While still pushing on Will's chest, Kristin told the paramedics how to enter the house. She also asked them to close the door to the room next door to theirs – their daughters, 当时是8岁和5岁, 一直睡到现在吗.

因为那是2020年5月,COVID-19的限制措施已经到位, 护理人员穿着全身防护服, 戴着面罩,脸上总是起雾.

A paramedic told Kristin that ventricular fibrillation had caused Will to go into sudden cardiac arrest. 她要求一个解释.

心室颤动期间, the lower heart chambers contract in a very rapid and uncoordinated manner. 因此,心脏不能将血液输送到身体的其他部位.

The EMTs connected Will to an automated external defibrillator, or AED. 这种机器可以帮助恢复心脏的正常节律.

克里斯汀看不下去了. But she couldn't escape the sound of Will's body slamming to the floor with each attempt to restart his heart. 五次电击才触发了持续的节奏.

威尔第二天在加护病房醒来. 因为流感大流行,克里斯汀不允许进医院. 他们通过视频聊天进行了交谈.

“你心脏骤停了,”她告诉他. “医护人员电击你的心脏,直到它再次跳动."


Will Flanary (left) and his wife, Kristin, who performed 心肺复苏 on Will until paramedics arrived. (图片来源:Jessica Gubuan/Bridgetown Pictures)
Will Flanary (left) and his wife, Kristin, who performed 心肺复苏 on Will until paramedics arrived. (图片来源:Jessica Gubuan/Bridgetown Pictures)

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest affects about 350,000 people in the United States each year. 经历过这些沙巴体育平台点击进入的人只有9%能活下来.


尽管他成功了,但他还是忍不住觉得自己运气不好. 这是他第三次严重的医疗事故.

He was diagnosed with testicular cancer at 25 while in medical school studying to be an ophthalmologist. 当时, Kristin had just finished graduate school in cognitive neuroscience and social psychology, 他们的第一个女儿刚刚出生. 癌症是用手术治疗的. Three years later, he was treated for another bout of the same type of cancer.



He'd done stand-up in college and later realized he could continue making people laugh online, 主要是关于医学的. By 2020, 他积累了150,000 followers on 推特 and had even started to give keynote talks at medical conferences.

他在社交媒体上分享了自己心脏骤停的消息. Then he kept posting, joking about insurance, bedside manner and more.

"I process everything through humor, even when it's a serious situation," he said.

Telling jokes also helped him put aside all the other scary thoughts going through his mind.

“我不想离开我的家人,”他说. “我不想独自一人."

医生从未找到他心脏骤停的原因. To protect him from another episode, he received an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. The device can detect a life-threatening heartbeat and shock the heart back to a normal rhythm.

Once Will began to ease back into life, Kristin found herself hiding from it.

大约六个月, 她像僵尸一样走来走去, 充满焦虑,无法清晰地思考. 在这段经历中, 还有两种癌症的诊断, 她感到被威尔的医生忽视和低估了, 护士和其他护理人员.

"I wasn't the primary patient, but the event happened to me, too," she said. “我受到的创伤不仅仅是心脏骤停, 但顺便说一下,我得到了专业医疗人员的治疗."

In 2022, Will and Kristin decided to make a business of his comedy and her advocacy. 青光眼(这是一个眼科术语), 他们在几个社交媒体渠道上表演, 做现场表演和主题演讲吗. Their combined followers on 推特 (now X) have surged to nearly 800,000, YouTube和TikTok上还有更多.

克里斯汀倡导照顾者和医疗创伤的共同幸存者. She encourages doctors to care not only for the patient but also for their loved ones. 她的建议很简单:多承认他们, 进行直接的目光接触, 给出明确的医学解释,并询问他们的感受. 同时,她还提倡心肺复苏术和AED的意识.

威尔和克里斯汀·弗兰纳里将在2023年演出. 他们在X、YouTube和TikTok上拥有大量粉丝. (图片由世卫组织提供)
威尔和克里斯汀·弗兰纳里将在2023年演出. (图片由世卫组织提供)

One of the couple's live shows focuses on the impact that cardiac arrest can have on families and how it's handled in the health care system.

"We try to keep it on the lighter side, with serious moments," Will said.


"Comedy and tragedy – that has been our story and what has shaped us," Kristin said. "In the end, we want people to leave feeling hopeful and inspired to take action."

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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