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Venting – the release of negative, pent-up emotions – can feel good. 但这真的对你有好处吗? Or does it do more harm than good to dwell on negative thoughts and feelings?

专家表示,这取决于许多因素, including who's on the receiving end of a venting session, how often a person does it and what type of feedback they receive.

总的来说, 我们确实需要释放负面情绪,雷切尔·米尔斯坦说, a staff psychologist in the behavioral medicine program and the Lifestyle Medicine Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. "The ways we do it, though, that's where it's healthy or unhealthy, productive or unproductive."


人际关系, 工作, finances and discrimination are just some of the daily stressors that may fuel someone's need to vent. 研究显示 this kind of stress can raise the risk for cardiovascular disease, whereas releasing or managing stress can improve physical and psychological health, 降低风险. Having a strong social support net工作 has been linked to better psychological health.

Venting to people in that net工作 is one way to reduce the impact of daily stressors, 米尔斯坦说, also an assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “给朋友打电话,把情绪发泄出来会很有帮助. It helps us feel connected to our social support net工作s, which is a big determinant of life satisfaction and overall well-being."


Speaking to someone who is supportive of your feelings can be helpful, 即使那个人提供了不同的观点, 她说.

But venting to someone who is dismissive of your feelings can be detrimental, 乔纳森·谢弗说, an associate professor of clinical health psychology at the University of Colorado in Denver. "It's invalidating to share and get no response from the other person. It might make you feel like you don't have worth or are not loveable."

Venting also can be counter-productive if the listener amplifies negative feelings and "the conversation spirals. 然后你就可以把对方拉下来,”米尔斯坦说.

Another negative consequence could be if the listener gets tired of listening. “如果你一次又一次地发泄, 这个人可能不想出席, 这可能会破坏社会关系,她说.

For major stressors, it might be more helpful to speak to a therapist, 谢弗说.


如果对别人大声说出自己的感受会感到不安全, 另一种选择是把它们写下来, 谢弗说.

研究发现 表达性写作对健康有益每天写下自己的感受. It has been shown to aid in healing from traumatic experiences and to help lower blood pressure, 增强免疫系统, 改善睡眠,减轻抑郁和疼痛.


无论是在纸上还是当面表达自己的感受, 谢弗建议找到专注于积极方面的方法, 还有消极的一面. 例如, ending a venting session with a focus on things for which the person is grateful can help restore positive feelings, 他说, 正念练习也可以.

为某种形式的放松制定一个计划, 比如深呼吸或冥想,他建议道.


Exercise also can relieve stress and release negative feelings, Millstein said.

"And don't forget that humor is a really good coping strategy, too,她说. Venting to a friend with a good sense of humor may be twice as helpful, because "sometimes other people can help us see the funny side of things."


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